24 January 2019

22 January 2019

Beej Mantras

Picture Courtesy: Internet
What is Beej Mantra?

Beej Mantras are seed mantra. Each deity has a specific beej mantra.

“Beej Mantras” are used as tools for the expansion and widening of one’s mind by utilizing the power of sound vibrations. “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word made up of two syllables: “man” (mind) and “tra” (liberate). Thus in its most literal translation the word “Mantra” means “to liberate one’s mind”.  The word “Mantra” when translated by virtue of its practical use relates to a sound that can create transformation or change.

A Beej Mantra is the shortest form of a Mantra just like a beej or seed which the smallest part of the tree. Beej Mantra transcends into the power to create certain sounds to transform growth and expansion in humans at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

How Beej Mantras Work?

In Vedic healing and spiritual traditions, specific mono syllable seed sounds or “Beej Mantras” were developed to create balance and harmony in the human body, mind and soul.  Each and every part of our body functions at a specific rhythm and pulse and when all our systems are balanced and attuned with each other we experience perfect harmony and health. On the other hand, any imbalance in our body can lead to mental, physical or emotional distress. Sound therapy is a very effective way to heal and rejuvenate ourselves as every cell in our body is mainly composed of water which makes them excellent sound resonators! Thanks to the recent developments in the field of Psychoacoustics, the ancient practice of using sound energy for holistic healing practices is now gaining credibility!
To truly understand the power of “Beej Mantras, we need to realize that any form of sound in the universe is vibrational energy. Sound waves resonate at specific vibrational frequencies. Per the ancient Indian texts as well as the latest works in quantum physics, the whole universe was created through cosmic sound energy which was then followed by heat and light energy and eventually life forms. So sound vibrations are intimately connected to our cosmic being.

The Mantras work in the unseen planes of the universe and work out miracles in a profound way. When chanted with concentration focus and devotion, Beej mantras fulfil the desires of the person and act like a protective shield surrounding them and protecting from all dangers and enemies. However to understand the power of beej mantras, the person who chants it must completely surrender to the supreme God.

18 January 2019

Beej Mantras and their effects


Om Kleem Krishnaya Namah

As the name suggests, this mantra is a salutation to Lord Krishna

Om is the all pervading

Kleem is he creator who has the power to devour all (Brahma);it is a beej mantra used to invoke or attract energies

Krishnaayai is the power which akin to the darkness of exact midnight, heralding the beginning of the brightness 

Namah : To whom I pray.

Chanting this mantra regularly brings focus and dedication, and the constant repetition of the sound starts to bring about a positive transformation in the person's awareness

Anyone who does this during the chaturmaas (four months) period gets the benefit of chanting it a lakh times. Anyone chanting this during Karthik month gets double the benefit. People chanting this during Margsheersha month get unlimited benefits.

On the scientific plane it produces quantum sound frequencies that relive stress and disposition issues in life.