16 December 2020

What's your IKIGAI?


Ikigai is a Japanese word that translates as a reason for being, a reason to get up in the morning. 
It’s the combination of IKI, meaning life, and KAI, meaning the realization of hope and expectations. Ikigai is a feeling that combines  from the joy from doing something that has a sense of purpose, meaning and well-being. I
It helps you understand what you want , whatever you want. Why are you chasing your dreams.... all the reasons for a single Question Why? A kind of motivation that helps you inspire, a reason for your action, a reason for your happiness a reason for living. Your purpose for living makes a big difference as to why you you want certain things that make you happy. What is the purpose of life and happiness? 

DO WHAT YOU LOVE : Have a self awareness of what you actually love doing. 

DO WHAT YOU’RE GOOD AT : Our skills are what you CAN do whereas your strengths are what you ENJOY doing. They might be the same, they might be different. What do you do that brings you happiness?

DO SOMETHING THE WORLD NEEDS:  This aspect of Ikigai is quite an important one. It makes you think about the impact you want to have on your community. Giving it back to the community also brings a kind of happiness that goes beyond the joy of worldly material possessions.

DO SOMETHING YOU CAN BE PAID FOR: This last part of the Ikigai map. It is more about securing an income. 

At the intersection of all of this are feelings of peace and lasting happiness that can sustain us throughout our entire lives. 

If you can find pleasure and satisfaction in what you do and you’re good at it, congratulations you have found your ikigai. If you’re feeling lost or unsure about what your ikigai is, there are a number of ways to refocus and re-purpose your actions.

Japan has some of the longest-living citizens in the world. Could this concept of ikigai contribute to longevity? Japanese refer to Ikigai as ‘the happiness of always being busy’. They do what they like to do! Maybe that's their reason for living...  

You can try to find your ikigai by answering a few simple questions.....Is it something that I love doing? Is it something the world needs? Is it something I’m good at? Is it something I can get paid for?  Although it’s tempting to think that Ikigai would answer all your life’s questions, it’s important to note that finding your Ikigai is a continual process of self-discovery.

Everybody has an ikigai. Ikigai is about finding joy, fulfillment, and balance in the daily routine of life. Seeking harmony to find a sustainable activity that give you financial independence and also makes you happy, gives you a purpose for living and makes you look forward to it while bringing joy is actually Ikigai summed up! You may want to start small at first, and reach your happiness and joy from little things. This will condition your life to bring a lot of happiness when you have bigger goals and when you find the great purpose or a reason. Living in now opens the doors to a state of satisfaction. Living the moment closes doors to unsatisfaction and sadness that erupts from wanting more and missing out on "now" while thinking what you could do for better tomorrow  and thus missing the value of joy the passing moment has to offer. If we know what it is, it shapes our days. 

The pandemic changed a lot of things for a lot of people. It was a life changing event for some, while some were able to scramble through the chaos and some actually found their ikigai. Maybe in 2021, it’s time to refocus your life to embrace the larger picture: finding your ikigai. 

For those of you who have found their Ikigai, share your answers! Even those that have not, I’d love to see your progress anyway.

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