31 July 2019

Emotional Intelligence

Pic Source: Internet
What is emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is defined as “…is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goal(s),” and was popularized by Daniel Goleman in a book of the same name.
Managing stress is just the first step to building emotional intelligence.  When you become overly stressed, you can lose control of your emotions and the ability to act thoughtfully and appropriately. Using your emotions to make constructive decisions is an important trait of emotional  quotient popularly known as EQ.
Emotional intelligence consists of four main pillars: self-awareness, self-management, social management and relationship management.


Emotions are important pieces of information that tell you about yourself and others, but in the face of stress we leave our comfort zone, become overwhelmed and lose control of ourselves. With the ability to manage stress and stay emotionally present, you can take care of your wellbeing as well as avoid letting the emotions over ride your mental balance. It not only controls the behavior caused by over impulsiveness but allows adapting to changing circumstances. Your ability to manage core feelings such as anger, sadness, fear, and joy lies in the practice of self-management.


Self-awareness can be summed up as a “conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires”. Self-awareness is imperative so as to have a better understanding of ourselves, which helps us to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. It empowers us to make changes and to build on our areas of strength. Self-awareness is the first step in creating what you want and mastering your life and developed by focusing your attention on the details of your personality and behavior.
Mindfulness calms and helps you focus making you more self-aware in the process.

Social management

Social awareness enables you to recognize and interpret the mainly nonverbal cues others are constantly using to communicate with you. When groups of people send out similar nonverbal cues, you’re able to read and understand the power dynamics and shared emotional experiences of the group. It is the ability to know the people around you and the ability to interact with them in the most efficient and proper manner. Understanding other people's feelings is central to emotional intelligence. Get it wrong and you'll be seen as uncaring and insensitive. Having higher levels of social awareness allows you to understand the dynamics of social and interpersonal problems in a much better way which results in having great relationships, reputation, and professional success.

Relationship management

Relationship Management is all about your interpersonal communication skills working well with others is a process that begins with emotional awareness and your ability to recognize and understand what other people are experiencing. It’s our capability to enthuse and influence people, knack to communicate and build bonds with them, and your ability to help them change, grow, develop, and resolve conflict in a skillful manner. Once emotional awareness is in play, you can effectively develop additional social/emotional skills that will make your relationships more effective, fruitful, and fulfilling.
Skills that help develop emotional intelligence:

  1. Meditate and reflect. Focus on your thoughts. Quieting the mind reduces stress; boosts mental, emotional and physical effectiveness; and leads to increased inner stability.
  2. Take care of health, wellness, nutrition and fitness. Exercise, nutrition, sleep, physical exertion, being outdoors, stretching, laughing and tending to physical care impacts all areas of personal well-being. Forgiveness, optimism, gratitude, courage, choosing positive emotions contribute to better physical and mental health..
  3. Choose to be happy. Make an active decision to tap into joy. Stop and smell the roses. Listen to up-beat music; dance, smile, laugh.... take time to do the things you really enjoy.
  4. Mindfulness: Focus your thoughts on “now”. Stay in the present. Do not drag your past or worry about your future to miss out on being present.
  5. Organize and de-clutter. This is a task that requires focus and attention. A well- coordinated effort decreases stress and makes performance far more satisfying.
  6. Stay connected with friends and loved ones: Communication is the key to satisfying and long term relationships.
  7. Humor is your ally: “laughter is the best medicine” it may sound cliché but a good humor will definitely reduce stress, lighten your stress or any tense situation.
  8. Keep learning:  to face today’s rapidly-changing and evolving world, keeping yourself updated and learning is the key.
  9. Empower yourself/ feel empowered: Emotionally empowered people’s passion drives their unrelenting pursuit of excellence and growth.
  10. Adaptability: Adapting yourself to people, surrounding etc is vital. Recognizing the ability to shift, change adapt is crucial to move forward. This comes from your self-care, how you treat yourself and others, your thoughts and assessments as well an open mind to change or adapt.
#EQ #emotional-intelligence #self-awareness #mindfulness #relationship #social # self-management

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