16 December 2020

What's your IKIGAI?


Ikigai is a Japanese word that translates as a reason for being, a reason to get up in the morning. 
It’s the combination of IKI, meaning life, and KAI, meaning the realization of hope and expectations. Ikigai is a feeling that combines  from the joy from doing something that has a sense of purpose, meaning and well-being. I
It helps you understand what you want , whatever you want. Why are you chasing your dreams.... all the reasons for a single Question Why? A kind of motivation that helps you inspire, a reason for your action, a reason for your happiness a reason for living. Your purpose for living makes a big difference as to why you you want certain things that make you happy. What is the purpose of life and happiness? 

DO WHAT YOU LOVE : Have a self awareness of what you actually love doing. 

DO WHAT YOU’RE GOOD AT : Our skills are what you CAN do whereas your strengths are what you ENJOY doing. They might be the same, they might be different. What do you do that brings you happiness?

DO SOMETHING THE WORLD NEEDS:  This aspect of Ikigai is quite an important one. It makes you think about the impact you want to have on your community. Giving it back to the community also brings a kind of happiness that goes beyond the joy of worldly material possessions.

DO SOMETHING YOU CAN BE PAID FOR: This last part of the Ikigai map. It is more about securing an income. 

At the intersection of all of this are feelings of peace and lasting happiness that can sustain us throughout our entire lives. 

If you can find pleasure and satisfaction in what you do and you’re good at it, congratulations you have found your ikigai. If you’re feeling lost or unsure about what your ikigai is, there are a number of ways to refocus and re-purpose your actions.

Japan has some of the longest-living citizens in the world. Could this concept of ikigai contribute to longevity? Japanese refer to Ikigai as ‘the happiness of always being busy’. They do what they like to do! Maybe that's their reason for living...  

You can try to find your ikigai by answering a few simple questions.....Is it something that I love doing? Is it something the world needs? Is it something I’m good at? Is it something I can get paid for?  Although it’s tempting to think that Ikigai would answer all your life’s questions, it’s important to note that finding your Ikigai is a continual process of self-discovery.

Everybody has an ikigai. Ikigai is about finding joy, fulfillment, and balance in the daily routine of life. Seeking harmony to find a sustainable activity that give you financial independence and also makes you happy, gives you a purpose for living and makes you look forward to it while bringing joy is actually Ikigai summed up! You may want to start small at first, and reach your happiness and joy from little things. This will condition your life to bring a lot of happiness when you have bigger goals and when you find the great purpose or a reason. Living in now opens the doors to a state of satisfaction. Living the moment closes doors to unsatisfaction and sadness that erupts from wanting more and missing out on "now" while thinking what you could do for better tomorrow  and thus missing the value of joy the passing moment has to offer. If we know what it is, it shapes our days. 

The pandemic changed a lot of things for a lot of people. It was a life changing event for some, while some were able to scramble through the chaos and some actually found their ikigai. Maybe in 2021, it’s time to refocus your life to embrace the larger picture: finding your ikigai. 

For those of you who have found their Ikigai, share your answers! Even those that have not, I’d love to see your progress anyway.

31 July 2019

Emotional Intelligence

Pic Source: Internet
What is emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is defined as “…is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goal(s),” and was popularized by Daniel Goleman in a book of the same name.
Managing stress is just the first step to building emotional intelligence.  When you become overly stressed, you can lose control of your emotions and the ability to act thoughtfully and appropriately. Using your emotions to make constructive decisions is an important trait of emotional  quotient popularly known as EQ.
Emotional intelligence consists of four main pillars: self-awareness, self-management, social management and relationship management.


Emotions are important pieces of information that tell you about yourself and others, but in the face of stress we leave our comfort zone, become overwhelmed and lose control of ourselves. With the ability to manage stress and stay emotionally present, you can take care of your wellbeing as well as avoid letting the emotions over ride your mental balance. It not only controls the behavior caused by over impulsiveness but allows adapting to changing circumstances. Your ability to manage core feelings such as anger, sadness, fear, and joy lies in the practice of self-management.


Self-awareness can be summed up as a “conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires”. Self-awareness is imperative so as to have a better understanding of ourselves, which helps us to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. It empowers us to make changes and to build on our areas of strength. Self-awareness is the first step in creating what you want and mastering your life and developed by focusing your attention on the details of your personality and behavior.
Mindfulness calms and helps you focus making you more self-aware in the process.

Social management

Social awareness enables you to recognize and interpret the mainly nonverbal cues others are constantly using to communicate with you. When groups of people send out similar nonverbal cues, you’re able to read and understand the power dynamics and shared emotional experiences of the group. It is the ability to know the people around you and the ability to interact with them in the most efficient and proper manner. Understanding other people's feelings is central to emotional intelligence. Get it wrong and you'll be seen as uncaring and insensitive. Having higher levels of social awareness allows you to understand the dynamics of social and interpersonal problems in a much better way which results in having great relationships, reputation, and professional success.

Relationship management

Relationship Management is all about your interpersonal communication skills working well with others is a process that begins with emotional awareness and your ability to recognize and understand what other people are experiencing. It’s our capability to enthuse and influence people, knack to communicate and build bonds with them, and your ability to help them change, grow, develop, and resolve conflict in a skillful manner. Once emotional awareness is in play, you can effectively develop additional social/emotional skills that will make your relationships more effective, fruitful, and fulfilling.
Skills that help develop emotional intelligence:

  1. Meditate and reflect. Focus on your thoughts. Quieting the mind reduces stress; boosts mental, emotional and physical effectiveness; and leads to increased inner stability.
  2. Take care of health, wellness, nutrition and fitness. Exercise, nutrition, sleep, physical exertion, being outdoors, stretching, laughing and tending to physical care impacts all areas of personal well-being. Forgiveness, optimism, gratitude, courage, choosing positive emotions contribute to better physical and mental health..
  3. Choose to be happy. Make an active decision to tap into joy. Stop and smell the roses. Listen to up-beat music; dance, smile, laugh.... take time to do the things you really enjoy.
  4. Mindfulness: Focus your thoughts on “now”. Stay in the present. Do not drag your past or worry about your future to miss out on being present.
  5. Organize and de-clutter. This is a task that requires focus and attention. A well- coordinated effort decreases stress and makes performance far more satisfying.
  6. Stay connected with friends and loved ones: Communication is the key to satisfying and long term relationships.
  7. Humor is your ally: “laughter is the best medicine” it may sound cliché but a good humor will definitely reduce stress, lighten your stress or any tense situation.
  8. Keep learning:  to face today’s rapidly-changing and evolving world, keeping yourself updated and learning is the key.
  9. Empower yourself/ feel empowered: Emotionally empowered people’s passion drives their unrelenting pursuit of excellence and growth.
  10. Adaptability: Adapting yourself to people, surrounding etc is vital. Recognizing the ability to shift, change adapt is crucial to move forward. This comes from your self-care, how you treat yourself and others, your thoughts and assessments as well an open mind to change or adapt.
#EQ #emotional-intelligence #self-awareness #mindfulness #relationship #social # self-management

11 February 2019

Living the moment

PC: Internet
Living the moment is being in the present state of mind. Its the happy state of mind where it is completely in sync with the surroundings. Its the experience of feeling the thoughts about the current state and the essence of moment without dwelling in the past or trying to glimpse in the future. It is the experience for the inner soul that is devoid of material instincts but rather enjoy the ability of being thankful for things we have in life. Trying to be more present in our thoughts will help us enjoy the smallest pleasures in life completely and staying mindful of our surroundings.

The tendency to stay in the present will not only help you avoid getting sucked in the past or future but will help you avoid the feeling of being perpetually worn out, tired and being out of touch.

The psychology of living in the moment is not just a popular phrase but more of a healthy lifestyle choice recommended to overcome stress and anxiety in daily life. It explains the need to be mindful and aware of our surroundings by not getting ourselves entangled in the ruminations of past or worries about the future. Its biggest advantage would be to keep yourself connected to your inner self.
Mindfulness aims to balance your thoughts from the past, present and future though it may be hard to decide whats the right balance.However, you may have hot the jackpot when you realize  you are worrying less, experience less stress  and find yourself to be more happy in your regular life.  

There needs to be a conscious awareness and commitment of  staying in the "now".Easier said than done, the small changes in life will bring about a shift of being more conscious and attuned to the surrounding. The process will begin gradually without much realization in the beginning and inculcating changes in you daily lifestyle over a period of time will bring a sense of mindfulness. 
  1. Meditate each day. Start by focusing on your breathing and try to avoid the noise that your mind is making.
  2. Don't be conscious of yourself. Avoid overthinking. Let go!
  3. Nature walk is one of the best activities. Take some time to walk and admire nature,notice the path alongside , the sounds around you etc.
  4. Spend 5 minutes of the day with yourself. Conduct a quick review of your entire day.Use this time to analyze yourself and let go of any shortcomings.
  5. Practice an Attitude of Gratitude. Be thankful.
  6. Yoga is an excellent way to experience mindfulness. You focus on every movement your body makes; be it breath or transitions in your body form while doing the "asanas" or "poses".
Finally message from the Wise-

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

24 January 2019

22 January 2019

Beej Mantras

Picture Courtesy: Internet
What is Beej Mantra?

Beej Mantras are seed mantra. Each deity has a specific beej mantra.

“Beej Mantras” are used as tools for the expansion and widening of one’s mind by utilizing the power of sound vibrations. “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word made up of two syllables: “man” (mind) and “tra” (liberate). Thus in its most literal translation the word “Mantra” means “to liberate one’s mind”.  The word “Mantra” when translated by virtue of its practical use relates to a sound that can create transformation or change.

A Beej Mantra is the shortest form of a Mantra just like a beej or seed which the smallest part of the tree. Beej Mantra transcends into the power to create certain sounds to transform growth and expansion in humans at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

How Beej Mantras Work?

In Vedic healing and spiritual traditions, specific mono syllable seed sounds or “Beej Mantras” were developed to create balance and harmony in the human body, mind and soul.  Each and every part of our body functions at a specific rhythm and pulse and when all our systems are balanced and attuned with each other we experience perfect harmony and health. On the other hand, any imbalance in our body can lead to mental, physical or emotional distress. Sound therapy is a very effective way to heal and rejuvenate ourselves as every cell in our body is mainly composed of water which makes them excellent sound resonators! Thanks to the recent developments in the field of Psychoacoustics, the ancient practice of using sound energy for holistic healing practices is now gaining credibility!
To truly understand the power of “Beej Mantras, we need to realize that any form of sound in the universe is vibrational energy. Sound waves resonate at specific vibrational frequencies. Per the ancient Indian texts as well as the latest works in quantum physics, the whole universe was created through cosmic sound energy which was then followed by heat and light energy and eventually life forms. So sound vibrations are intimately connected to our cosmic being.

The Mantras work in the unseen planes of the universe and work out miracles in a profound way. When chanted with concentration focus and devotion, Beej mantras fulfil the desires of the person and act like a protective shield surrounding them and protecting from all dangers and enemies. However to understand the power of beej mantras, the person who chants it must completely surrender to the supreme God.

18 January 2019

Beej Mantras and their effects


Om Kleem Krishnaya Namah

As the name suggests, this mantra is a salutation to Lord Krishna

Om is the all pervading

Kleem is he creator who has the power to devour all (Brahma);it is a beej mantra used to invoke or attract energies

Krishnaayai is the power which akin to the darkness of exact midnight, heralding the beginning of the brightness 

Namah : To whom I pray.

Chanting this mantra regularly brings focus and dedication, and the constant repetition of the sound starts to bring about a positive transformation in the person's awareness

Anyone who does this during the chaturmaas (four months) period gets the benefit of chanting it a lakh times. Anyone chanting this during Karthik month gets double the benefit. People chanting this during Margsheersha month get unlimited benefits.

On the scientific plane it produces quantum sound frequencies that relive stress and disposition issues in life.

16 February 2017

Symbols of Shiva


Lord Shiva is one of the prominent Hindu gods. Shiva is one of the chief deities of Hinduism. His name means"Auspicious one".  Siva is also known by other names, including Shambhu("Benignant"), Shankara("Beneficent"), Pashupati("Lord of Beasts"),Mahesh("Great lord") and Mahadev("Great God"). Shiva is both the destroyer and restorer. He is the benevolent herdsman of souls and the wrathful avenger.In the most famous myth concerning Shiva,he saves humanity by holding in his throat the poison that churned up in the waters and threatened mankind.For this reason he is often called as Neelkanth("the one with blue neck").

Shiva is a great ascetic. lord Shiva is symbolized by various things associated with Him. He destroys out imperfections to ensure our spiritual progress. He destroys the evil and negativity within us and detaches us from mortal and materialism so we can make an upward movement and progress towards the next level of inner spiritual transformation. It is a positive nourishing destruction that builds and transforms life energy for the welfare of the world.During this movement, our desires,illusions, ignorance is destroyed and we are eventually being readied to meet the Lord.

Unclad body smeared with ashes/Vibhuti: Vibhuti is the three lines of ashes drawn on the forehead of the Lord Shiva.It signifies the Immortality of the Lord and his manifested glory. The ashes on the Lord's body is cemetery ash, which points to the philosophy of the life and death and shows that death is the ultimate reality of the life. Most things in the universe reduce to ashes when burned and this aspect of nature is suggested by the ash-smeared appearance of Lord Shiva, who is held to be the God of destruction in Hindu mythology. The Lord is beyond the cycle of birth and death.
Jata (Matted Hair): The flow of his matted hair represents Shiva as the Lord of Wind or Vayu, who is the subtle form of breath present in all living beings. It shows that Shiva is Pashupatinath, Lord Of All Living Beings.
Ganga: The river Ganga (or Ganges) is the most sacred river for pious Hindus. According to a legend, the river Ganga has its source in Shiva and flows from his matted hair. This is symbolically represented by depicting Ganga as a jet of water sprinkling out of the head of the Lord and falling on the ground. Legend has it that the Lord allowed an outlet to the great river to traverse the earth and bring purifying water to human being. Thus the name Gangadhara or "Bearer of the river Ganga". The river Ganga also denotes fertility, one of the creative aspects of the Rudra. It also indicates that Shiva is not only the Lord of destruction but also the bestower of knowledge, purity and peace on the devotees.
The Third Eye: In the great Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is depicted as a three-eyed God. The third eye is aye of wistom or occult knowledge. While his other two eyes indicate his activity in the physical world, his third eye in the center of his forehead looks beyond the obvious. It stands for spiritual knowledge and power, and is thus called the eye of wisdom or knowledge. Like fire, the powerful gaze of Shiva's third eye can search evil from anywhere and annihilate it completely. This is the reason why evil-doers fear his third eye.
Crescent: Lord Shiva is typically pictured as wearing a crescent-shaped ornament on one side of his head. The Crescent is actually the moon and symbolizes the movement of time and cosmic proportions.
The Snake around the neck: Lord Shiva is often shown with a snake curled three times around His neck and looking towards His right side. The three coils of the snake symbolize the past, present and future - time in cycles. The snake looking in the right direction of Lord Shiva signifies that the Lord's perpetual laws of reason and justice preserve natural order in the universe. The snake with its raised hood is suggestive of Kundalini Shakti, the ever awakened, that resides within Him.
Tiger Skin: In Hindu mythology, the tiger is the vehicle of Shakti, the Goddess of power and force. Lord Shiva is the source of creative energy that remains in potential form during the dissolution state of the universe. He activates this energy using his own Divine Will to project the universe.Lord Shiva is often shown seated upon or wearing a tiger skin, which emphasizes the fact that he is the master of Shakti and is beyond and above any kind of force.. The Lord's sitting on Tiger skin indicates that he has conquered lust.
Rudraksha Necklace: Lord Shiva is almost always shown as wearing a necklace having 108 beads made with seeds of the Rudraksha tree. The beads represent the elements used in the creation of the world. The Rudraksha necklace points to the ‘Rudra’ aspect of the Lord, which is also His other name. The word 'Rudra' means "strict or uncompromising" and aksha means "eye." It illustrates the fact that Lord Shiva is firm about His cosmic laws and strictly maintains law and order in the universe.
Damru (Drum): The damru denotes the connection with the cosmic or primal sound of AUM,which can be heard during deep meditation. According to Hindu scriptures, Nada is the source of creation.The damru is also symbol of sound. Sound is nothing but rhythm and energy.Just as in a heartbeat,of one sees a heartbeat it is not a straight line but a rhythm that goes up and down.The whole Universe is a wave function of rhythms.This is exactly according to the theory of Quantum Physics. It is a wave that creates a sound.So the damru also signifies non dual nature of the universe.
Trishul (Trident): The trident, or the spear with three arrow-like heads, is one of the accessories of the Lord and symbolizes His three fundamental powers iccha(will), kriya(action) and jnana(knowledge).It also signifies the three gunas or characters;satwa,raja` and tamas. These qualities  represent the activities of creation, preservation and destruction which are personified with the Hindu trinity of Brahma,Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva) That is the emblem of sovereignty. As His weapon and instrument of punishment the trident represents Lord Shiva's manner of punishing the evil doers on all the three planes - spiritual, subtle and physical. The trishul also represents the 3 nadis or energy channels viz;ida, pingala on the sides and sushumna in the cent re through which the Kundalini shakti/energy ascends to travel through the chakras.
Kamandalu: The water pot (Kamandalu) often shown adjacent to the Lord is another of his accessories. The carrying of the Kamandalu shows the yogic nature of the Lord.
Kundalas: The Kundalas refer to the two ear rings. The dual type of Kundalas represent the Shiva and Shakti (male and female) principle of creation.
Mount Kailash: Lord Shiva is most often shown to be seated at the peak of beautiful beautiful Himalayas serving as his backdrop. Mount Kailash in the Himalayas is said to be His traditional abode. In Hindu mythology, Mount Kailash is said to represent the center of the universe. Thus the name 'Kailashadhipati' meaning "Lord Of Mount Kailash".
Nandi: Nandi, the bull is the vehicle of Lord Shiva. The bull is the symbol of both power and ignorance which suggests that Lord Shiva removes ignorance of his devotees and gives them the power of wisdom. Nandi is a symbol of eternal waiting though he is alert. Waiting is considered to be a virtue and the Nandi is nor anticipating anything neither expecting anything. That is his meditation.
Shivling: In most Hindu temples you will not see an idol of Shiva. Rather it will be a shining black or gray shivling in an ellipsoid shape. It represents the essence of Shiva.The Shivling is an ellipsoid shape-everything in the universe has has begun as an ellipsoid and will end so.(science talks about it too!) It is known as the cosmic egg-referring to creation and destruction. Physically, Shivling is phallic symbol representing the male and female in a state of conjugal bliss. Mentally it symbolizes the union of mind and body. Spiritually it's an union between the Purush and Prakriti  which manifest the highest principles of universe. It's a powerful source of divine energy.


07 April 2016

Gudhi Padwa

Gudi Padwa, marks the beginning of the New Year, new month and new day for the Hindus falls on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. It is known as Gudhi Padwa (in Maharashtra), Ugadi (in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh), Navroz (Kashmir), Baisakhi (Punjab), Cheti Chand (Sindhi), Naba Barsha (Bengal), Goru Bihu (Assam), Puthandu (Tamil Nadu), Vishu (Kerala)
It is believed that Lord Brahma created the Universe. This day carries special importance for Hindus. The day starts  with an auspicious bath  followed by decorating the doorway with a ‘toran’, rangoli and performing ritualistic worship and hoisting the Gudhi. It symbolizes the victory of King Shalivahana over Sakas and was hoisted by his people when he returned to Paithan.  Gudhi symbolizes the Brahmadhvaj  (Brahma’s flag) mentioned in the Brahma Purana, because Lord Brahma created the universe on this day.
Gudhi is believed to ward off evil, invite prosperity and good luck into the house.

The Gudhi is positioned on the right side of the main entrance of the house. This symbolizes active state of the soul. 
Women make sweets, people wear new clothes and celibrte the day with a new fervour to welcome the spring!!

31 July 2015

GuruPurnima significance

गुरुर्ब्रम्हा गुरुर्विष्णु: गुरुर्देवो महेश्वर: l
गुरू साक्षात परं ब्रम्ह तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः ll

Guru is often regarded as God; a link between the individual and Him. Scriptures often define Guru as the God, or nothing less to a God. A guru could be anyone who has given you knowledge and wisdom. In Hinduism, a guru could be a spiritual leader, a head of a sect or a mentor. Guru Purnima falls on full Moon day of Ashadh and is celebrated in the sacred memory of Ved Vyasa.Ved Vyasa was considered the first guru rather aadyaguru for he wrote 18 Puranas, Mahabharata and Shrimad Bhagvatam.

This day is recognized to be highly important as it reflects upon the wisdom or knowledge gained by an individual in this journey of life.Traditionally,this day marks highly important for a spiritual seeker as the individual tries to increase his Sadhana from this day. It also marks the start of " Chaturmaas" four months of the year reserved for penance, austerities, fasting, bathing in holy rivers and religious observances.
A Guru throws light on your life. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he lamps the path of life for you. This is the day to feel grateful for all the wisdom that life has taught you because if you honor the wisdom gained you are actually honoring the Guru who trained you to gain this wisdom. 
The Manusmriti regards our Mother as our first guru with father and teacher following. It is the mother who teaches the child a lot of first things that child learns including taking his first step. The basic tenets of Guru and Guru Purnima remain the same through many generations evolving as time passes by. In days gone by, Guru was a teacher, a hermit who would impart knowledge on different temporal subjects to the students in the hermitage. With evolution of mankind the hermitage turned into academic institutions like schools and Universities.However, the significance of guru hasn't changed. He is still regarded as a guide and mentor to attain the ultimate knowledge; leave a lasting impression on mind and train oneself to be his own guru going forward.

Guru Purnima therefore signifies the day to reflect on what we have learnt, be grateful for our knowledge, what we achieved and thank our teacher for the knowledge that was brought to us.......Without the knowledge we will be no where.....

#gurupurnima #significance of guruPurnima

22 June 2015

being back......

I am actually feeling happy to be back to blogging after my long hiatus.Its a feeling of rejuvenation, a feeling of being liberated and just a wonderful feeling to be able to reconnect and interact with the world.
So many things to share so much to write....looking for a wonderful relationship ahead.

1st International Yoga day.

Its been wonderful to be a part of 1st International Yoga day.

Thousands of people came together for a healthy cause. Yoga is practiced since ancient times in India...but unfortunately Indians had forgotten about yoga and its health benefits.
Yoga was born in India.... thousands of years back. It was then that the rishis practiced Sun Salutations and other yog-kriyas and eventually transferred the knowledge to common man.

Yoga has lot of benefits. However apart from benefiting for a healthy mind, body and soul the international acceptance of Yoga will lead us to train minds to universal peace and harmony.

A number of yog kriyas are practised for different benefits related to better health or curing diseases. It also helps in restoring balance of mind at the same time. Some forms may bring you inner peace.

Once a person starts recognizing its holistic benefits we sure will be practising it in long run and transfer our knowledge for the generations to come.

20 June 2015

once again.......

I never thought I will turn to blogging again... its been a hell long time but maybe I felt this sudden urge to get back my thoughts in black and white.

World is really a small place but an extravagant resource of knowledge.
Over a last couple of years I had a number of experiences on my whirlwind movement crossing places and continents and oceans and seas. Though I may not be able to put all of those now but time and again I will do so surely. Its been a journey now on......
Lots of things to write now on and so many things to share and do....
Some of them will be my own and some of those will be wonderful thoughts that I have come across but want enthusiastic readers to go through.

21 July 2011

A Dream is a Seed

A seed of a tree,
A tree full of life,
And the things you can be.

Your Dreams are the windows,
Through which you can see
A hint of your future and the things you will be
Each night when you sleep.

You are feeling the seed,
The seed of the tree
Of who you will be.

02 December 2008

Siege is over..... but terror is not

I am finding it desperately impossible to express my anger about the terror in Mumbai and the ruckus caused by the terrorists.

I am writing this blog, thousands of miles away from the city that I love the most.
I am a Mumbaikar,born and brought up in Mumbai and this city has seeped so much into my veins,my being that whatever happiness or tragedy happens here, it happens to my mental being....

Ironically, the events that took place at Taj Hotel, Leopold cafe, etc has made me restless and angry.
To an extent I feel defeated by the city's security force, cheated by the politicians and incompetency of the Naval forces.....

The 30 years I spent in this city has me bound me to its roots which are in impossible to cast off.
However, every new day I find myself asking are my friends and family members going to be safe? Why are we mumbaikars becoming so incresingly insecure? Now, we are not just ready to trust any stranger...and I would always wonder if the gentleman standing next to me in line or sitting at the opposite table in cafe is just a localite enjoying his food or waiting for the ticket or may be another terrorist.

Even though the people are talking about the "spirit of the city", using the "bounce back attitude' to go on with their businesses, or even "getting back on tracks" I feel totally humiliated and let down in terms of Crisis management.
It has left me wonder if there was ever,if any a program of Crisis Management run by the police force.

Why does our police force look so out of tune when in action? Why did the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh issue such a weak statement? Where have otherwise smart orators like AB Vajpayee and Bal Thackrey and Raj Thackrey gone?Have the thoughts of politicians who rule this great land become impotent?
Why does Vilasrao Deshmukh need the company of Ram Gopal Verma to tour the Taj? does he plan to make another RGV ki aag? Thats simply ridiculous.

Not only me but my my fellow mumbaikars and my countrymen have been felt cheated and humiliated by this bandwagon. We feel let down.
Now, a Gandhigiri attitude is not going to be of any help. Its time we realise this blantant truth and act accordingly or there could be more Taj and nariman Houses at risk.

It's time to get an access to where the taxes go? Why does our Police force seem so ill- equipped? and are there not enough naval force to secure our borders then its time to start a placement campaign for security force too......

it's time to repay the dead... all those who died without a reason.
I salute the commandos and all the men who died in action.

14 January 2008

Taare Zameen Par- Review.....

I loved the film. It's really an amazing film which the masses can relate to....
An everyday story, which everyone ,the teacher, the student and family members can relate to. It was also a good experience to watch a nice clean Hindi film with kids.
A perfect movie for all to watch from a perfectionist..... Aamir Khan.

In the movie its title itself specifies“Every child is Special”...and once you come out of the theatres you can really understand why it says so.One thing I liked about the film is that it relates to most of the kids and not just the Special Child, who may have some disabilities. As Aamir points out in one of the dialogues…all the fingers of our palm are not of the same size or shape. Its so true....I wish we were taught the same right from the start of our education instead of just throwing all the students in the rat race. Its a good lesson for parents who need to understand their child well as an individual and go slow with their kids at their learning stage and slowly mould them to the shape that they are willing to be moulded into.
The movie correctly shows what the unfriendly,insensetive education system can do to jeopardize a kids life, mentally and emotionally.

Ishaan(Darsheel) is a dyslexic child who hates to learn, read, write or simply "study".
He is constantly pressurised by his teachers to study and by his parents to show outstanding grades like his elder brother.Aamir Khan is able to bring out the real disaster in the education system when the teachers themselves point that they are not able to provide enough attention to the students and all they want is to get them ready for the race to excel in life.
It talks about the emotional churning of a Dyslexic child who is left alone with this inability that he is ignorant about but even his parents and teachers are not aware of. The poor kid is not able to match up with the expectations of everyone around him who wants Ishaan to excel in academics, sports and extra- curricular activities.

It is here, when the energetic, fun loving child Ishaan retreats into the shell of timidness and low self-esteem and loss of confidence, that Ram Shankar Nikumbh( wonderfully potrayed by Aamir Khan)carefully guides the boy’s attention to the fact that he was not the only one to face the problems that he had gone through. This he very easily does by listing out the names of those very famous and prominent entities as Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and many others in front of the class but excluding Ishaan's name and telling it to him in privacy. That catapults the little boy’s confidence back to its peak and he is slowly able to cope up with his disability with the help, care and love of Nikumbh sir. Towards the end, the scene in the movie, when Ishaan wins the drawing competition and he’s given standing ovation he can’t believe it. He runs crying into the safe and secure zone of his loving friend, guide and teacher
The movie looks so realistic in terms of treatment
It is not just an entertainment masala movie for three hours that one can just watch and walk out. It makes you think and ponder your own faults as parents, teachers and responsible adults.
So it’s a tale of effective parenting, a tale of insensitivity in our Indian educational scenario, and a tale of love of teachers who think and work for their students…..I wish that even if a 2% of teacher would learn a lesson from this movie, I am sure we would save a lot of kids from inferior complex and make them better individuals to lead their chosen path of life with self esteem.

03 December 2007

some awsome snaps

Food for thought!!!!

1. When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? (To be given a thought)

2. If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of that stuff? (Very good thinking)

3. Who copyrighted the copyright symbol? (Who knows)

4. Can you cry under water? (Let me try)

5. Why do people say, "you've been working like a dog" when dogs just sit around all day? (I think they meant something else)

6. Why are the numbers on a calculator reversed? (God knows)

7. Do fish ever get thirsty? (Let me ask and tell)

8. Can you get cornered in a round room? (By ones eyes)

9. Why do birds not fall out of trees when they sleep? (Tonight I will stay and watch)

10. If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from? (No comments)

11. What should one call a male ladybird? (No comments)

12. If a person suffered from amnesia and then was cured would they remember that they forgot? (Can somebody help )

13. Can you blow a balloon up under water? (Yes u can)

14. Why is it called a "building" when it is already built? (Strange isn't it)

15. If you were traveling at the speed of sound and you turned on your radio would you be! Able to hear it? (Got to think scientifically)

16. If you're traveling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, what happens?

17. Why is it called a TV set when there's only one? (Very nice)

18. Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can't go that fast on any road?

19. If drink & drive is not allowed why the hell they have parking in Bars?